Black Tears Launches in UK
Press Release - Black Tears Launches in UK

#rumfamily : Favourite Rum Writers-Matt Pietrek
Next in the #rumfamily series we get to know someone who shares deep insights into the world of spirits and cocktails and of course Rum as part of this, 'Matt Pietrek-Cocktail Wonk'.

#rumfamily : Favourite all rounders-Rumcask
Next up in the #rumfamily series is the trio of awesome gents that make up Rumcask.

Cachaca Cocktails-Part 2
After the success of the first night creating Cachaca cocktails we decided to go back to the guys at Haycock & Tailbar Associates and see what they could do with some more awesome Cachacas.

#rumfamily : Favourite Brand Ambassadors-Miguel Smith
The next brand ambassador in the #rumfamily series is the one and only Miguel Smith. We have known Miguel for many years and he was one of the first to really open our eyes to the world of Rum!

#rumfamily : Favourite Bartenders-Joseph Wilkins
This time #rumfamily is once again in London to hear from someone we have enjoyed many a great cocktail with at one of the UKs best Rum lounges, Trailer Happiness, the awesome Joseph Wilkins

#rumfamily : Favourite – Kate Perry
Next up in the #rumfamily series we get an in depth view from someone who manages the La Maison and Velier portfolio in the US, Kate Perry.

#rumfamily : Favourite Rum Writers-Lance Surujbally
Continuing the #rumfamily series we get to know someone who really takes an in depth look at the Rum world, 'The Lone Caner', Lance Surujbally

#rumfamily : Favourite Bartenders-Lydia Rose
This time #rumfamily is back in London to hear from someone we met at the Black Parrot bar recently, Lydia Rose.